Find us next at The Vintage Wren Holiday Market December 6th + 7th ~ Click for details


Simply Intentional February

Simply Intentional February

Many of you have been curious as to what "simply intentional" means and looks like, so this year in my monthly newsletter/blog post I will be sharing three segments each month. The first will include tips on what a simply intentional lifestyle might look like, the second is how to curate simply intentional products into your decor, gift ideas, and such, and the third will cover some little insights into our tiny business and how we are being simply intentional with our brand. Our desire is to help you be simply intentional and to encourage you along the way. So, welcome and I hope you will reach out to us.

~Simply Intentional~

~Simply Intentional~
  Simply Intentional~    This is the tagline that kept popping up in my mind when I first started Just Beyond the Cottonwoods at the end of 2017. A...