Visit our booth at Spring at the Round Barn in Lancaster Ohio April 25th-26th

Thank You's Never Go out of Style

I'm confident in two things when it comes to Thank You cards. One- I have never regretted sending one. And two- I have always appreciated receiving a Thank You card. In today's fast paced instant gratification world that often tends to shift burdens of responsibility so easily, a simple gesture like taking the time to thoughtfully write out a note could be just the creative activity that sparks a little joy in your life. Not only can Thank You cards be a creative outlet, the obstacles to sending one can easily be overcome with a little planning. The beautiful outcomes of sending them easily outweigh any hurdles in the long run.

Sending a Thank You is a creative effort, choosing a beautiful card that reflects your style and taste is a display of attention to detail and effort. Thoughtfully taking time to write a meaningful expression of gratitude requires creativity. Even choosing a stamp to reflect your personality is another way to add creativity to your gesture of appreciation.

Overcoming the obstacles of the ease of sending an effortless digital thank you, purchasing a stamp, creating or buying a card, writing out your thoughts by hand, can seem daunting at first. Taking time to give a Thank You note/card does take a little more time, thought, and effort, but that is exactly what makes them more meaningful.  A simply intentional way to overcome the obstacles is to plan ahead. By having Thank You card supplies on hand, you can grab a card and stamp from your stash and take just a few calm and relaxing moments, maybe with a yummy home-brewed iced coffee and write out a heartfelt note to drop into the mail or pass to that dear friend in person. 

Here is a video on how I batch hand painted watercolor cards for those who would like to make their own.


If you don't want to make your own you can purchase cards at your local boutique, big box store, or stop by my booth at a market.  I always carry hand painted cards in our market booths.  

Digital Thank You's don't have the staying power that hand written thoughtful cards have. A hand written note is often displayed on a fridge, shelf, counter, and even sometimes framed. Many are squirrled away into keepsake boxes and kept for a very long time. 

They help us have healthy connections with the people in our lives, foster trust, and show appreciation and intentionality.  

So, what are your thoughts?  Where are you with Thank You Cards?  Do you send them or have you converted to digital Thank Yous or have you, like so many, dropped them completely? 

Until Next Time, 


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